Climate change quiz


1         In climate science what does Albedo mean?

2         Glasgow was C.O.P 26. What does C.O.P mean?

3         Where in Europe was C.O.P 21 held?

4         What is the UN body for climate change?

5         What is the “hockey stick” regarding global temperatures?

6         What does the Keeling Curve measure?

7         Approximately what did the Keeling Curve read in 2020?

8         In 2022 what is the global temperature increase since 1880?

9         Do the Milancovitch Cycles measure Axial Tilt? T/F.

10      Name 2 Hollywood stars, one male and one female, who’ve taken strong stands on climate change.

11      Which British natural historian and advocate for the environment has recently received the
 UN Champion of the Earth lifetime award?

12      Who was Time Person of the Year in 2019 and held up the sign Skolstrejk för klimatet ?

13      “Lungs of our Planet” describes which part of the world?

14      Ice cores allow scientists to reconstruct past what?

15      Who wrote the British landmark review on the economics of climate change in 2006?

16      Surface temperature tipping points.
What is the current projection on tipping points by the IPCC?

17      How many green house gasses can you name? Which is the most dangerous in the short term?

18      Does the hole in the ozone layer remain a concern now that CFC have been replaced with hydrofluorocarbons?  

19      What is the difference between carbon neutral and net zero?

20      How do we know that cities are heat islands and not cool places?

Answers below.






1 Albedo is the fraction of light that a surface reflects. A black body = zero and snow = 1.

2 Conference of Parties   3. Paris 4.  IPCC  5. Historic record of global temperatures to present
6. Amount of carbon dioxide in global atmosphere   7. Approx 418 ppm.  8. Approx 1.15o C
9. True, also precession and orbital eccentricity   10. Amongst others Jane Fonda and Harrison Ford
11. Sir David Attenborough   12. Greta Thunberg   13. The Brazilian Rainforest.  14. Past climate.
15  Nicholas Stern  16. 1.5 – 2.0 C   17. Main ones are carbon dioxide, methane, water vapour, nitrous oxide.  18.  Less so but still a concern  19.  Carbon-neutral means purchasing carbon reduction credits equivalent to emissions released, without the need for emissions reductions to have taken place. Net-zero means reducing emissions in line with latest climate science, and balancing remaining residual emissions through carbon removal credits. 20. Satellite technology,



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